La Posada de los Farios Lodge - The Inn of the Brown Trout





We have several stillwater options available that are located as close as 20 minutes away to perhaps 1.5 hrs from the lodge. All the lakes we fish are surrounded by rugged Andean peaks and it is hard to imagine there can be many more scenic spots on the planet to fish. Some of the lakes are surrounded by lush old growth rainforest while others are located in more arid open steppe country closer to the Argentine pampas. All these lakes possess very healthy populations of brown trout that typically average between 18-25 inches and are spectacularly colored due to the rich organic quality of the waters and abundant forage. Dry fly action can be superb on warm days as the browns aggressively hunt adult dragonflies cruising just above the water’s surface. It is common to see truly large fish launch completely out of the water to capture dragonflies several feet above the water. They will often exhibit the same aggressiveness towards a well presented large attractor dry fly. The explosiveness of the takes can be unforgettable. There is a typically a tremendous amount of structure along the edges of the lakes with numerous large logs, weed beds and reed areas. There are often shallow open areas between the reeds and the shoreline as well where large browns can sometimes be stalked and sight-fished to.


